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An elementary counselor’s job has many parts! The counselor meets with students in the classroom, individually, in groups, and with their parents and/or teachers. The counselor also helps families and students in need to connect with community agencies. Below is some information about the counseling programs available at Belfair Elementary:
Classroom Lessons: Personal Safety Lessons through Second Step Child Protection Unit curriculum. There are 6 1/s hour lessons each. Thank you for helping us to make our school a safe and supportive place where everyone can learn.
Managing Conflict
Individual Counseling for personal, social, and academic reasons.
Small Group Counseling: for groups of 2-6 students identified using data including SAEBR’s screener, Office Disciplinary Referrals, frequent individual visits to a counselor or Health Room
Social Emotional Group Objectives
Sharing thoughts/feelings
Listening and connecting to others
Impulse control
Calming strategies
Community Referrals: for families in need to connect with those who can help. Assist families with young children to connect with community counselors, social workers, and family resource coordinators.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss any concerns with your students, please get in touch with Jane Adams at 360-277-2233.