Athletic Registration
Please review our athletic Requirements:
Insurance: Students must have medical insurance that covers injuries.
Fees: Student-Athletes must be members of the North Mason High School or Hawkins Middle School Associated Student Body (ASB) and have purchased a non-refundable ASB Card & paid their non-refundable Athletic Equipment Fee.

We use a service called FinalForms for easy, online registration. Families will be asked to create an account, with options to register more than one student. We ask for:
Confirmation that you’ve read our eligibility requirements
Basic medical history and health information
Insurance company and policy number
Doctor, dentist, and medical specialist contact information
Hospital preference and contact information
Please note that the system will pre-fill portions of a WIAA PPE physical form that you can download and take with you to your physical appointment with your healthcare provider.
Download registration instructions for Final Forms here: FinalForms Registration – Parent Playbook (pdf)