Below you will find a list of Parent Information links within this website which we hope will be helpful to you. If you don't find what you're looking for, please email Hawkins principal Robert Kalahan and let us know. We will do our best to accommodate your requests. Thanks!
High School & Beyond Plan for Students
HMS Title Qualifications Letter
HMS Title Qualifications Letter Spanish
Username - Computer Access Login
Password - Students will be given their passwords on Monday, March 27th. Problem with login? Contact Mrs. Kjelstad.
District - North Mason School District

What is the High School & Beyond Plan?
Username - Computer Access Login
Password - nmsd + 4-digit lunch code (eg. nmsd1234)
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
School-Parent-Community Compact
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Library Program Activity Log
Summer Library Program Activity Log Spanish
Summer Library Program Spanish
Timberland Regional Library Electronic Resources - MyTRL
My TRL FAQ's for Students
My TRL FAQ's for Parents
Touchbase Online Payment Link
Touchbase Online Payment Instructions